Joint Pain

joint therapy near me

At Payson Salem Chiropractic, our chiropractor will work to relieve pain related to your joints through a specific adjustment, stretching exercises, and soft tissue therapy, depending on your bone health. These may be used if you have pain in your neck, back, wrist, ankle, knee, elbow and shoulders. With a consultation, Dr. Jon Krogue may perform a physical exam on each joint to see which approach to take to help you start feeling better. Some of the major causes of joint pain we tend to see are:

    Rheumatoid arthritis.
    Complications from a physical injury.
    Poor nutrition.
    Inflammation or tenderness to the joint.
    Side effects from infectious diseases like the flu and mumps.

If you struggle with arthritis, we can perform gentle adjustments to move your tendons and bones back into place. To make sure your bones get back in their proper position, our chiropractor may also suggest looking into physical therapy and improving your daily habits. These changes may include switching up your nutrition, exercise regime and bedtime routine.